The Neuroscience of Empathy and the Divine Entity: Shared Sensitivity in Human Empathy, Plant Communication— Common Perception in Allah’s Creation

Bilal Altundağ
5 min readMay 28, 2023


The more people get to know himself and his surroundings, the more he presents evidence of God and events in the Qur’an and hadith. Recent research in the field of neuroscience has led us to better know ourselves and the world around them. First, let’s take a look at what’s happening in the field of neuroscience and comment:

David Eagleman is a neuroscientist. He is the CEO and co-founder of a company called Neosensory that develops devices for sensory substitution. He is someone who explores between the human brain and his senses and what he can do. In a speech on the Futurepodcast site, he said:
He asked podcast speaker David Eagleman about the possibility of a human being able to switch to sensory expansion, the ability to replace missing limbs with new limbs, and whether we can control a robot with our thoughts.
In response, David Eagleman summed up, we know that human beings can acquire different senses, that people who do not already have arms can move them with a new robotic arm, in addition, more than one limb, such as limbs, can be controlled by people’s thoughts, a robot in another part of the world can only be controlled. He says that people can control different living things and technologies by adapting them to human beings and control different things at the same time, such as walking and running, apart from their own limbs.

If we look at the following hadith related to this development, as reported by Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anh, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Allah said”:

“Whoever is hostile to a friend of mine, I will declare war against him. My servant cannot, in my opinion, get close to me with anything more lovable than the fards I have commanded him. My servant constantly approaches me with supererogatory worship (in addition to the fards); finally i love him. When I love my servant, I (as if) become his hearing ear, seeing eye, holding hand and walking foot. Whatever he asks of me, I will certainly give it, and if he takes refuge in me, I will protect him.” (Bukhari, Rikak 38)

Here, it is said that if a servant approaches Allah with his obligatory and supererogatory deeds, I become that person’s eyes that see and ears that hear. Here, it means that I make that person use his hand, foot, brain to progress on the path I approve, and I make people use it to tell people. How can humans gain different limbs and control robots in the development above. Allah sends an impulse to the people who approach Him against evil, the servant moves away from him or gives an impulse to that person, warning him to continue worshiping Allah.

It is also mentioned in one verse:
It is not ye who slew them; it was God. when thou threwest (a handful(1191) of dust), it was not thy act, but Allah’s: in order that He might test the Believers by a gracious trial(1192) from Himself: for Allah is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things).” Surah Anfal, Verse 17

In this verse, Allah says that I was the one who made the believers make them do it in the war against the polytheists and in throwing sand into the hands of the Prophet and blinding the polytheists. Just as the person above has the ability to control other things, Allah can control everything, and it is seen that it is Allah who controls everything that blinds the believers in their war with the polytheists.

This is part of Greg Gage’s Ted talk. It transfers the signal that a person moves his hand with his own brain to another person’s hand, allowing that person to make similar movements.

This is part of Greg Gage’s Ted talk. When a flytrap plant reacts like a victim caught in a trap, the same signal can be given by the cables connected to the mimosa plant, and the flowers of the mimosa plant can be closed.

From these two examples, we can make similar inferences that we mentioned above. We can also draw a different conclusion from the following hadith:
According to what is reported from Numan ibn Bashir radiyallahu anhu, the Messenger of Allah (sailallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

Believers are like a body in loving each other, pitying each other and protecting each other. When one part of the body is sick, the other limbs also suffer from insomnia and fever.” (Bukhari, Adab 27; Muslim, Birr 66)
As seen in the videos above, a reaction to one person’s arm is reflected in another, in the same way, what one plant feels can be felt by another plant. And believers are connected to each other by invisible cables. If one is hurt, the other will feel it too, if someone does something nice, the other will also be happy. Therefore, they are always in contact with each other. Just as there will be no enmity between the organs of the body, there will be no enmity between believers.

As we can see from the examples here, the further a person goes and gets to know himself and his surroundings, the things Allah says, the Qur’an, and hadiths will be better understood, and he will show everything clearly to believers or non-believers. It was Allah who knew best the inner side of everything, what the Qur’an said and what the hadiths meant. Praise be to Allah.

For more details on David Eagleman’s book :

Link to Greg Gage Human to Human Ted videos :

Link to Greg Gage Plant to Plant Ted videos :



Bilal Altundağ
Bilal Altundağ

Written by Bilal Altundağ


Electrical and Electronics Engineering, IT management master's degree, I have a passion for science and religion.

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